Architecture, Management
& Travels

Architecture & Management
All programmes are tailored to suit the audience and duration requirements:
The role of the polymath architect
Folk wisdom, business management and ethics
Leadership and the Allegorical Siena frescoes
The Boiled Frog Syndrome: is there a common bond between Numbers, Geometry, Music and Medicine, Cosmology, and the design of a healthy, harmonious building?
The Perennial Wisdom of Vitruvius
Previous Engagements
International Conference - World Trade Centre, Dubai
Two Keynote Presentations: Environmental Health Hazards and the Teaching of Architecture Today
Research Into Lost Knowledge Organisation (RILKO)
Annual Memorial Lecture: The Architect as Master Builder
The Prince's Foundation London
Seminar: Holistic Design of Hospitals
The Smith Group - an international firm of American architects based in Phoenix, Arizona
A 4-day Seminar on the architectural principles of ancient wisdom to be applied to today’s buildings
KAIROS Summer School Retreat Devon
The teachings on Vitruvius and Perennial Wisdom
The Property Professional’s Consultancy - Tyne & Wear
Seminar for Surveyors and Valuers C P D Lecture
The physical and psychological health hazards associated with buildings
University of East London
Part-time Lecturer to post-graduate architects:
Professional Practice & Business Management
The Nature of Health Exhibition, Bristol
Business/Political Ethics and the Tarot
Biot, Côte d'Azur
Several 2-day Tarot seminars
Rudolf Steiner House
Allegorical Archetypes embedded in our Psyche
Rudolf Steiner House
Mystery School Teachings and Initiations Throughout the Ages
Athena Foundation - Albuquerque, New Mexico (1997)
A 5-day Seminar on Sacred Geometry and Plato’s Seven Liberal Arts
Two Keynote Presentations: Environmental Health Hazards and the Teaching of Architecture Today
Research Into Lost Knowledge Organisation (RILKO)
Annual Memorial Lecture: The Architect as Master Builder
The Prince's Foundation London
Seminar: Holistic Design of Hospitals
The Smith Group - an international firm of American architects based in Phoenix, Arizona
A 4-day Seminar on the architectural principles of ancient wisdom to be applied to today’s buildings
KAIROS Summer School Retreat Devon
The teachings on Vitruvius and Perennial Wisdom
The Property Professional’s Consultancy - Tyne & Wear
Seminar for Surveyors and Valuers C P D Lecture
The physical and psychological health hazards associated with buildings
University of East London
Part-time Lecturer to post-graduate architects:
Professional Practice & Business Management
The Nature of Health Exhibition, Bristol
Business/Political Ethics and the Tarot
Biot, Côte d'Azur
Several 2-day Tarot seminars
Rudolf Steiner House
Allegorical Archetypes embedded in our Psyche
Rudolf Steiner House
Mystery School Teachings and Initiations Throughout the Ages
Athena Foundation - Albuquerque, New Mexico (1997)
A 5-day Seminar on Sacred Geometry and Plato’s Seven Liberal Arts
Electro Sensitivity UK Conference 2011
Key note speaker
Central St. Martins School of Art (University of the Arts London)
Seminar: Crime Prevention in Product Design
BBC Radio 4 Farming Today
Discussing effects of electromagnetic fields on farm animal Production
The British Society of Dowsers
Annual Lecture at the Royal Academy
Festival of Mind, Body & The Environment, Devon
Dowsing Seminar & Practical Workshop
LBC Radio: The Pete Murray Show (1992 - 1995)
Guest appearances answering phone-in questions on environmental health and healing matters
Key note speaker
Central St. Martins School of Art (University of the Arts London)
Seminar: Crime Prevention in Product Design
BBC Radio 4 Farming Today
Discussing effects of electromagnetic fields on farm animal Production
The British Society of Dowsers
Annual Lecture at the Royal Academy
Festival of Mind, Body & The Environment, Devon
Dowsing Seminar & Practical Workshop
LBC Radio: The Pete Murray Show (1992 - 1995)
Guest appearances answering phone-in questions on environmental health and healing matters